Successful Charity Day for Ringway Captains

Ringway GC Captain Keith Spencer and Lady Captain Geraldine Senior and over 80 golfers defied some pretty wet weather to enjoy a great day supporting their two chosen charities.
Geraldine said: “There were 22 teams of four who took part in what was extremely challenging weather but the upbeat nature of the day, helped by several golf challenges organised by club professional James Salt – who dressed superbly for his ‘Beat the Pro’ challenge- ensured that a great day was had by all.
“The winning team with 84 points was Caunce O’Hara Insurance brokers and the evening event with a wonderful raffle and auction saw the day raise approximately £6,000 for our two chosen charities.
“Thanks also to General Manager Tracy Rawlinson and her team for their wonderful organisation of the day, to all of the sponsors and their donations for raffles and auction but especially to the attendees who battled round in the rain in the afternoon and to everyone who attended the evening event.
Keith added: “The money was raised from team entry, sponsorship of holes, Beat the Pro, Mulligans and a charity auction.
“My chosen charity is Prostate Cancer which is the biggest single killer of men in the UK today.
“Fourteen members of Ringway have it, including me and I urge all men over 50 to get tested.
“Geraldine’s charity is Manchester Mind a wonderful local charity supporting people with mental health issues in the community.

Pics: Top, a well dressed pro James Salt with Lady Captain’s team 2 Sponsors group, 3 Captain/Lady Captain (on the left of pic) group

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