Cheshire Boys close in on title success

CHESHIRE Boys moved a big step nearer to winning the Northern Counties Boys title as they pulled off a decisive victory at a very wet Stocksfield Golf Club, Northumberland.
It is believed to be the first ever game between these two teams at the Northern Counties Boys Level.
The 10-5 win was the fourth by Cheshire in the competition and they now look forward to the crunch match with Yorkshire at Delamere Forest on Thursday.
After Harry Kell and Lucas Kuiper and Ben Buchanan and Cole Self had halved their Foursomes matches Cheshire took the lead through Oscar Craig and Laurent Beech 2/1 and Nathan Hopley and Aaron Cullen 4/2 before Harrison Unwin and Will Bebbington lost out4/3
The Boys Champion Lucas Kuiper increased the lead with a 2/1 win in the first singles match before Cole Self halved his match.
Then Harry Kell 6/5 and Ben Buchanan one up put Cheshire firmly in the driving seat.
Aaron Cullen and Harrison Unwin both won 4/3 to complete the win with the last two matches ended as the course flooded with Nathan Hopley one up and Will Bebbington one down to see Cheshire across the line for a decisive victory.
Team manager Andrew Henshall gave special thanks to John Heggarty for inspiring the Boys as there were so many fighting performances across the whole team.

John Heggarty (right) and Laurent Beech supervise squeegee activity on the eighteenth green

Copy: Geoff Garnett Image: Andrew Henshall

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