Spectacular drive-in at Bramhall

Photos: 1 Officials – President, Lady Captain, Captain, Junior Captain; 2 Dan Drives off; 3 Kath Drives off

The new officials at Bramhall Golf Club were given a memorable start to their year in office.

It began with a ‘Welcome Dinner’ the night before which was attended by 90 people enjoying a three course meal and disco.

Lady Captain Kath Ince said:“ Paul Mizen (Captain) is a Professional Singer (or has been in the past) and he entertained with a few songs to get the party started. He invited me up to sing ‘Something Stupid’ with him. I am renowned in the club for being totally tone deaf and sing totally out of tune however I made a special effort and I think it was enjoyed by all.!!!

“After a very late finish we faced up the drive-in in front of a packed clubhouse.

“The Captain began with a 180-yarder (18 yards left of centre, President Roger Attwater 192 yards 17 right of centre then I hit a laser drive of 130 yards straight down the middle. But providing a golfing lesson was Junior Captain Dan Hayes, who plays off +5 and is also the  Cheshire Junior Captain

“He took it easy to hit it 225 yards 26 to the right to leave me proud to be the most accurate on the day.

“After the drive in the Captains and President put on sandwiches and chips for the onlookers to enjoy. A Valentine mixed Competition followed the drive in to get our year off to a flying start.”

Photos & copy courtesy Geoff Garnett 

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