County roadshows a great success

Cheshire Union of Golf Clubs and the Cheshire Ladies Golf Association gave the opportunity for members and representatives of their clubs to be updated on the latest developments by England Golf.
The first one for members of clubs in the west of the county was held and enjoyed at Heswall GC.
The second one for clubs in the East of the county was hosted excellently by Hazel Gove GC – England Golf’s ‘Club of the Year’ in 2022.
In charge of the Roadshow was the CUGC chairman David Durling (Shrigley Hall).
Giving the details of the aims of the evening, in addition to David were Ben Johnson, the England Support Officer, Jill Sanders (Stockport GC) and Cleve McCurdy (Ringway GC).
David Durling said: “The main aims of the Roadshows were: To update the Clubs on where we are with Unification and encourage feedback from them on any issues that they perceive.
“Give Ben the chance to brief everyone about ‘Respect in Golf’ and make sure they are aware that they must have an Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion policy in place by 31 December 2024, as a mandatory part of their affiliation with England Golf.
“Update the Clubs on the changes to WHS on April 1 this year, especially in respect of Four-Ball Better Ball competitions. The seminar at Ringway GC was so successful that the County is trying to organise another event before the changes come in.
“Discussions from the floor showed that there was still confusion as to how the changes are going to be applied, and we are trying to get guidance from England Golf to feed back to the Clubs.
“There was a good turn out from East Cheshire clubs and Hazel Grove GC were excellent hosts. It went very well with good participation from the floor.”

Pic ltr David Durling, Ben Johnson, Jill Sanders, Hazel Grove Captain Mike Keyworth

Copy & images: Geoff Garnett

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