Charity Drive-In at Astbury

Astbury’s new Captains drive-in in style

Astbury Golf Club have been great supporters of CUGC events for many years and their new Captains Ian Coffey and Jane Pickup .drove into office using a very old Mashie niblick and ball of questionable age to set off their charity effort for the coming year.
The members and well wishers were able to leave the comforts of the clubhouse and venture to the first tee to offer their encouragement and add to the fund-raising by guessing the correct distance of their drives – Brian Ward and Sue Stockley were the lucky winners.
This year the captains have chosen the Christie Charity to be the beneficiary of their fund-raising activities and the Drive In is the first big fund raising event.
Astbury members and guests have through the years been great supporters of the causes chosen by their Captains, and this year’s charity will be no exception.
The Christie Charity provides enhanced services over and above what the NHS funds. Gifts from the public make a huge difference to the care and treatment that The Christie can provide to its patients and their families.
It is a sad fact that most members of Astbury Golf Club and the public in general will have a family member or friends that have been a beneficiary of this wonderful organisation. The Drive In got the fundraising off to a great start.

Picture: On the tee ltr Alan Percival, Ian Coffey (Captain), Pete Bozon (President), Jane Pickup (Lady Captain), Graham Barton

Copy and image: Geoff Garnett

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