Boys defeat Girls in season finale

Cheshire Boys and Girls teams enjoyed a great competition at the superb Wallasey Golf Club- the home club of golfing legend Frank Stableford.
Wallasey was in magnificent condition, the sun shone, and the camaraderie was excellent.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable fixture and a great end to a season where the Boys team, the Northern Junior Champions, maintained their unbeaten record in 11 matches played this season.
For the first time this season all the Boys in the team had a plus handicap with Captain Dan Hayes (Bramhall) leading from the front off plus four.
It was the last game for Oli Johnson (Delamere Forest) as he is too old next year, but great to see him finish off his Cheshire Boys career in style.
Despite having to give a lot of shots (minimum 8, maximum 27), the Boys eventually triumphed 5:3 overall.
They took an unstoppable lead as they won the first five matches- Dan Hayes 2/1 over Milly Tighe (Ringway), Lucas Kuiper (Stockport 4/2 over Morgan Bollam (Crewe), Oli Johnson 3/2 over Imogen Marsland (Lymm), Harry Kell (Sandiway) by 3/1 over Macy-Mae Whyte (Wallasey) and Ben Buchanan (Crewe) one up over Eryn Gravett (Astbury).
The girls finished well winning the final three matches- Chammy Lui (Stockport) 2/1 over Cole Self (Ringway), Lorna McCrone (Prenton) by 6/5 over Spencer Davies (Wallasey) and Emilia Gravett (Astbury) by 4/2 over Aaron Mohun (Delamere Forest).
A great day for junior golf in Cheshire!

Copy: Geoff Garnett

Images: Andrew Henshall & CCLGA

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